How to Seek Help?

Many jobless people approach me with words like "I am jobless, broke, have kids, cannot run kitchen, please help me."
Since life runs in cycles, almost all of us face such situations at any stage, some sooner, some later.
Long time back, I read a book "Ask for the Moon and Get It" by Percy Ross. This book influenced me very deeply and changed my perspective from "selling misery" to "seeking guidance". And it has helped me a lot.

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Customers don't come to shop with dim lights, broken windows, cluttered goods rather people visit shops with lot of lights, hustle and bustle and immaculate merchandising. The same rule applies in our lives.
Majority of people run away when they come to know that you are down, broke, miserable. People love to help those who are already happy, accomplished and well-settled. Here comes the role of fake optics. Mercy appeal should be done to only your closest friends in one-to-one interaction. Yes that helps. But when it comes to seeking support of "friends" from corporate world, never look miserable or desperate. Wear the mask of happiness and sell your needs with romantic packaging. Never share your vulnerabilities to every social media acquaintances.
Even when companies are in crisis and near bankruptcy, they show only romantic side to investors and bankers.
Keep your scars and wounds well covered.
Yours Truly
Ashraf Chaudhry


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