So called Democracy & Freedom in US.

If You Oppose Israel, You Will Go To Jail. The New American Law In 26 States. #MirMak #Israel #America
Israel to me is not a Jewish state. It is a Zionist state. There is a huge difference between Zionism and Judaism. Islam and Judaism or Muslims and The Jews have lived peacefully side by side for over 1400 years. Our Prophet Muhammad SAWS himself made peace with Jews of that time and promoted the same.
What ISIS has done to Islam in the past 8 years or so, Zionism has done the same damage to Judaism in the past 100 years or so.
Zionism is not even a religion. It is a political ideology of supremacy. Supremacy through political maneuvers. Supremacy through economic might. Supremacy through financial chokehold from Wall Street to the Canary Wharf. Supremacy through the Media, Print and any other form of influence. Supremacy through making inroads at The United States Congress and The Senate all the way down to The State legislative bodies. And now, supremacy through a law. A law that clearly dictates that you can not oppose Israel. You can not speak against its policies. You cannot participate in any form of boycott or protest against Israel. You cannot even air your opinion publicly criticizing anything that relates to Israel. Yes, ANYTHING.
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This is happening in the most, self declared, advanced Democracy in the world. The United States Of America.
26 States have already enacted this law. 14 more have filed it to become a law and the rest are following. Which means within the next 8 to 12 months, you will have an absolute censorship leading to charges against you and an arrest even if you say something as simple as...
I do not like Israeli economic policies towards the world...or.... Israeli forces should not have killed those innocent Palestinian or the Germans or....
For 18 years, ever since I left America, I have been writing and speaking publicly that Wall Street is so controlled by the Zionist that one cannot even imagine its tentacles. My open and never minced criticism of Zionism was always confused with Judaism. i have been against Zionism. How could i be against Judaism. One of the heavenly sent religions that is mentioned in our Holy Book, repeatedly. Everything I learned on Wall Street I learned from my Jewish friends the most. We lived in peace. We celebrated each other's holidays. We even discussed the negative affects of Zionism on their own religion. But there was an air of fear everywhere. So much so that if a third person walked into the room, we would hush up.
Till this day, two decades later, I have the same friends from Wall Street. Till this day they support me, albeit sometimes only behind the scenes after what happened to and with me.
This law brings the cat out of the bag. To the innocent and the busy in love with America, who do not understand how the real world works, the ones who migrate to America as Doctors or Engineers or simple Businessmen, they are not in danger. Because their existence does not interfere in America with the policy making in finance or otherwise. Their businesses or expertise do not challenge the mere existence of Israel. So they only speak from their experience and their experience Aamir Khan says in the movie "3 Idiots"
Well, all is not well. Never was and specially after this law, never will be. United Nations will sleep. The Zionist funded Congress will sleep. The Senate will look the other way. Trump will not utter a word. The so called "Champions of Democracy" around the world will have their lips sealed. And this world will become a tyrannical fiefdom of the ones who control it from behind the scenes.
Just imagine if a similar law was imposed in any other country in the world ? Specially in a Muslim country. Just imagine. And once you are done imagining that, go back to sleep with sweet dreams of The American Greatness. Their goes the American Constitution.
Bon Voyage Christopher Columbus. Bon Voyage.


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